May 25, 2018

See Also: Configuration Overview, Starting and Stopping Nagios. Verifying Your Configuration. Every time you modify your configuration files, you should run a sanity check on them. It is important to do this before you (re)start Nagios, as Nagios will shut down if your configuration contains errors. - Nagios Exchange Nagios, the Nagios logo, and Nagios graphics are the servicemarks, trademarks, or registered trademarks owned by Nagios Enterprises. All other servicemarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owner. The files and information on this site are the property of their respective owner(s). Re: [Nagios-users] "Connection refused" with check_tcp and - Nagios Exchange

nagiosはOSS(Open Source Software)として提供されている、ネットワーク機器やサーバなどの監視ツールです。職場で動いているのはやや古いバージョン(nagios-2.5.1)で、以前コンサルな人に実装してもらったものです。 これにIWSSの監視を追加しようと思いましたが、どうもうまくいきません。

Nagios has a huge library of plugins available at Nagios Exchange. However, in a big environment it is very likely to need some custom checks for specific uses, for instance: Checking on a certain task result, monitoring an in-house developed application, among others.

I am trying to monitor a web service with check_http plug-in of Nagios. The url I am trying to monitor includes url parameter. And it turns out that check_http plugin will ignore the url parameter when checking. Herewith my configuration. 'check_http' command definition It works on Nagios Core 4 with nagios-plugins 2.1.1 define service{ use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name localhost service_description SSH check_command check_ssh!-p 12345 notifications_enabled 1 }