Repeal the unconstitutional Patriot Act, the Real ID Act

Apr 13, 2015 Bipartisan Bill Would Repeal Patriot Act To End Government The Surveillance State Repeal Act, introduced by Reps. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), would overturn the 2001 Patriot Act that allowed for mass government surveillance in the name of anti-terrorism and the destruction of any information collected under it. The bill also would repeal the 2008 FISA Amendments Act, which allows Internet spying, and would stop the government from Should the Patriot Act and NDAA indefinite detention Jan 09, 2013 Obama pushes Senate to pass Patriot Act extension - CBS News May 30, 2015

House Introduces Bill to Repeal the Patriot Act | FreedomWorks

Repeal the Patriot Act - National Archives and Records

Yes, The Patriot Act should be repealed. How the Patriot Act ever passed is a mystery to many Americans. One day they were just told of the new law's existence and its ability to record the private details of many American lives. It is a gross infringement on civil liberties and should have never existed to begin with. Thus, The Patriot Act

Repeal the Patriot Act, by Andrew P. Napolitano Posted on March 5, 2020 | 1 Comment By any reading of the plain words of the Constitution, which is not how contemporary jurists read the Constitution, the Patriot Act is unconstitutional and should be repealed. Repeal the USA Patriot Act, by Jennifer Van Bergen Part I of this series states briefly why we should demand the immediate repeal or amendment of the USA Patriot Act. Part II walks the reader back in time to look at two acts, which were also passed hastily and in a time of fear. The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798 parallel the USA Patriot Act in many respects, and offer some important warnings. The Many Occasions Joe Biden Took Credit For Writing The The act broadened the surveillance capabilities of U.S. law enforcement agencies as it relates to identifying potential terrorists, and many of its provisions have been opposed by liberal Democrats and civil libertarians. It wasn't the first time Biden took credit for the Patriot Act .